The LIBERLAND free state project is preparing for its first elections this year. It does not plan to look for new territory.

The Free State of LIBERLAND, which continues to try to establish its existence in the „no man’s land“ that straddles the border between Serbia and Croatia, plans to hold its first elections this year. They are also building a town hall on the claimed territory of their state. You can read more in the interview with the president of LIBERLAND, Vít Jedlička.

FREEDOM REPORTER magazine interview with President of Liberland Vít Jedlička:

  • FREEDOM REPORTER: What is the current status of the LIBERLAND project in terms of its goals? Has the already incriminated territory claimed by LIBERLAND on the border of Serbia and Croatia been established as a territory where the citizens of LIBERLAND can live or do business or at least move freely without interference from other states?

VÍT JEDLIČKA: We are building a town hall in the territory, we have around 10 residents there and new ones are still arriving. The settlers have acquired several properties just beyond the borders of Liberland, the most important of which currently appears to be Liberbase. They use this as a base for work in Liberland. Most importantly: the situation with the police and foresters seems to be calming down in the sense that although they still visit Liberland, the impact of their activities no longer blocks us from building and further development. And even on the main territory of Liberland, not just on an island in the middle of the Danube.

As for current goals. We want to build the first village-settlements on the territory of Liberland and make them independent. Furthermore, we plan to populate Liberland with a hundred permanent settlers, establish basic services, meet people’s needs so that Liberland becomes a comfortable place to live.

In addition, our collaborators around the world are striving for the recognition of Liberland, for example by establishing diplomatic relations with other countries, for example with regard to Argentina, and also with internationally active organizations, such as the US – GBA event in DC, the Dominican Republic… It is also important for us local diplomacy, that means strengthening local relations, organizing local cultural events or developing tourism in the area.

  • On what basis does LIBERLAND as a state function now? Is it a virtual state with its own citizens but no territory, or a parastate, as it is still referred to by the Croatian authorities? Is LIBERLAND considered an entity with partially controlled territory of its own state?

We are not a virtual state, but a real one. We meet all the requirements to be able to call ourselves a state. We have a territory (Gornja Siga) that demonstrably does not belong to any other state. We have a population, part of which lives permanently in and around Liberland. We have control over this population in the sense of exercising sovereign state power if it is located in Liberland, and we protect it abroad, although of course the level of service is not yet equal to the larger and older states. But we are raising this level every month, not just every year, and last month, for example, we had a series of successes in this area. At the same time, we are modern and develop blockchain and metaverse perspectives that do not solve borders. We unite people around the world.

  • From LIBERLAND’s point of view, is it possible to talk about any progress towards the goal of establishing itself in the given territory as an independent political entity, given that – as LIBERLAND also states on its website –  the Croatian authorities recently stated that LIBERLAND is a „fictitious project a handful of adventurers…” stating that “the incriminated territory belongs to either Croatia or Serbia according to international law”….?
  • ((Quotation from Croatian authorities: „The so-called Liberland is not and cannot become a subject of international law. It is a fictitious project of a handful of adventurers who, knowingly violating the legislation of the Republic of Croatia and completely contrary to international law, have ever since 2015 been trying to falsely portray the area along the right bank of the Danube River as no man’s land (terra nullius), claiming that as such it can be subject to possession or occupation by the so-called Liberland.“ „Since the dissolution of the former SFRY, the land areas located on the left and right sides of the Danube River belong either to the Republic of Croatia or the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with international law…“)).

None of the mentioned states claim the territory and do not have a legal right to it – and that is because they expressly gave it up and continued to treat the area in such a way that they cannot be considered owners. The same applies to their bodies that are active in the area. We are currently trying to develop local infrastructure directly on the territory. At the same time, we collect knowledge about the weather, watersheds, etc. for an even more efficient construction of our first settlement.

Liberland project territory.

  • What are the latest plans of LIBERLAND? In your opinion, will it be possible to legally anchor the claimed, originally Croatian-Serbian territory in favor of LIBERLAND so that it can no longer be claimed by another state?

We are not aware of any other state claiming this territory. If, hypothetically, there was a draw between Serbia and Croatia tomorrow, we would have to respect this with all consequences. However, there is no indication that something like this would actually „threaten“ at the given time, or rather in the given decade. And if this were to happen twenty years from now, and we had a prosperous city in the territory at that time, the consequences would certainly be very different, as you can imagine.

  • What exactly – in the event of the full success of LIBERLAND – should arise on the incriminated territory of your „state“? Government or presidential buildings? Offices for entrepreneurs? Residential houses? For whom? For all 720 thousand citizens of LIBERLAND?

Primarily, there should be private settlements, i.e. houses, businesses, services run by private entrepreneurs, places for recreation, again on a private basis, etc. The infrastructure organized and supported by the state will be minimal, because Liberland represents the realization of the minimal state model. We have 1000 citizens so far and the territory is big enough for them to get completely lost there. The figure of 720,000 you mentioned is the number of interested parties. However, Liberland is a picky state. We only take people without a criminal, extremist past. People who have demonstrably contributed in a significant way to the development of our statehood. We want to establish a country for families with children – a country that you too would like to be a part of. Our community is worldwide because it is united by the same values. The territory is for those who are interested in being on it. Many want to invest in it even remotely. In short, such institutions will be created in the territory that capitalistically bring value to the locals. Which they are, we cannot and do not want to assume. The market is hard to predict.

  • How many other countries of the world have already recognized the state of LIBERLAND?

We know that our citizens have traveled to more than 30 countries with a Liberian passport. Officially, we have concluded memoranda with several countries, for example with Haiti, and we have others under discussion. We have been recognized by Somaliland, which was recently recognized by Ethiopia.

  • In terms of the degree of freedom – if LIBERLAND managed to definitively acquire and keep the claimed territory – LIBERLAND would be better than, for example, the neighboring state of Croatia?

Liberland is a minimal state, Croatia is not. Croatia is a great country for Croats and others who wish to live in a model of a modern rule of law with certain specificities of the Balkans, such as beautiful nature. Liberland, on the other hand, is a state for people who wish to live in the most dynamic society, allowing people to fully realize their economic and personal potential. That is why Liberland proposes an innovative approach to governance – that is, to do the absolute minimum, thereby minimally interfering in the lives of its citizens. A minimum of laws, regulations, rules, etc.

Minimum. However, and this is very important, this does not mean „no rules“ or any such nonsense. We are the opposite of „anarchy“ or „anomy“. On the one hand, we support the formation of private community rules, often more binding on people than the law, as we know from our own lives. Also, and importantly, we are ready, able and willing to regulate with great vigor when this is necessary to ensure the elementary values ​​of justice, human rights, human dignity, as well as binding or generally accepted norms and principles of international law. For all this, we want to be a very regular, welcome member of the great family of states. In short, Liberland’s values ​​serve to ensure freedom, security and justice for citizens; And minimal state intervention, unlike standard practices. These values ​​are enshrined in our constitution, which is publicly available and thanks to the direct democracy of Liberland laws, its citizens can decide on changes in a referendum.

  • Why did LIBERLAND establish itself or refer to it as a „state“? Don’t you mind that the state is typically defined as a powerful organization with a territorial monopoly on coercion and a „naturally“ claimed right to expropriation, taxation, etc.? Or, for example, as a „tool to maintain the dominance of one class over another“?

We are interested in the term „state“ from the point of view of legal terminology. Unfortunately, this definition requires the presence of government, so we practice minarchy (so we are not anarchists) to ensure the freest possible environment. We live in a world of states, which for example I personally do not identify with at all, but we have to accept it, it is a reality. Look at the negativity evoked by the word anarchy, for example. And if we imagine some manifestations of contemporary so-called anarchists, i.e. left-wing violence, who would stand for them? No one is more distant from such „anarchists“ than us and Liberland.

If we were anything other than a state, we would be even more special and elusive than we already are, and someone would associate us with terms like anarchy and lawlessness, while we build the exact opposite. In practice, it is not good, for success, to be completely different and incomprehensible to international partners. „We just want to live freely“ sounds very different from the goals others set for themselves. We learned this in practice. So we are happy to be recognizable, I would say standard, at least in some areas. And being a state is one of those areas.

We do not get involved in the politics of other countries, so their practices do not affect us much. However, we would like to become an example for others when we show in practice what our system can bring to people.

  • What is actually the political system of LIBERLAND? Is it a classic democracy with elected bodies, headed by a president, vice president, government ministers and parliament/congress? In what main points does the democratic system of LIBERLAND differ from democracies such as, for example, the Czech Republic?

A meritocratic republic. We are a constitutional republic, above all, with a strong emphasis on human rights, basic freedoms and human dignity. We are a solid part of Western culture, we are based on it, we are inspired by it. We are preparing a constitution that firmly establishes these principles and many more. We will have a strong judicial system similar to the Anglo-American world, but we will also have codified laws as in Europe. As for the elections, they are free and citizens participate in them.

But why did I say meritocratic republic? Because citizens vote using ballots that they invest in Liberland. So it’s not about buying votes, but quite the opposite – proving that I’m willing to link my future with Liberland for a long time. This meritocracy is then direct – people directly approve all laws, and they can also cancel them. Representatives (Congress) have certain rights, but less than, for example, deputies in the Czech Republic. Liberlanders do not transfer their right directly from the constitution to anyone: we believe that we can really govern ourselves.

  • Have there been any elections in LIBERLAND yet? With what result? On what basis were decisions made in them? Or when will they take place?

We are preparing elections for the end of this year. The point is that they take place online, secured by blockchain technology. We are blocked by the fact that our citizens are not yet logged in and personally familiar with the system. We expect this to be resolved by the end of the year.

  • Hasn’t LIBERLAND considered or is considering – due to the never-ending territorial disputes with Croatia – looking for another territory, i.e. a location for its project?

Since the neighboring states do not claim the territory, we are trying to improve our diplomatic relations locally, both by bringing tourism to the area or organizing cultural events together with the locals, or newly building a local free school in several languages. We are happy to be able to expand our relationships locally and are not considering, nor have we considered looking for another location. There is no need, we have Gornja Siga and neighbors who objectively need us, and whom we can help develop their region as well, if only we put our hands to the work. We have no intention of abandoning them. Liberlanders are fundamentally very predictable: if we start something, we see it through.

 Read more about the topic of freedom and freedom projects here: